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M206 Odstraňovanie akné Hĺbkové čistenie pleti Prístroj na omladzovanie a bielenie pleti a hydratáciu pleti

Stručný opis:

Water and Oxygen Jet je účinný systém na liečbu akné, ktorý dostatočne premieša vodu, medicínsky kyslík a výživnú tekutinu, vystrekuje rýchlosťou 230 m/s a pôsobí na pokožku.Častice zmesi prenikajú do hlbokej dermis z epidermis s 50-80μm drobnými granulami, úplne vyčistia folikul a mazovú žľazu.

Detail produktu

Štítky produktu

Water and Oxygen Jet is an effective acne treatment system, which mixes water,medical oxygen and nutrition liquid sufficiently, sprays out at the speed of 230m/s and acts on the skin. The mixture particles penetrates into deep dermis from epidermis with 50-80μm tiny granules, cleans the follicle and sebaceous gland completely.

Teória liečby

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;


1. odstránenie akné;
2. Bielenie pokožky, zlepšenie štruktúry pokožky;
3. Hĺbkové čistenie pokožky, doplnenie vody a výživy pre pokožku;
4. folikulitída;
5. v kombinácii s inými zariadeniami na dosiahnutie lepšieho účinku liečby;

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin; Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;

Vlastnosti a výhody

1. M206 je nákladovo efektívny ako vertikálny stroj s vodným a kyslíkovým prúdom;
2. Unikátny systém vnútorného prívodu vzduchu zaručuje bezpečnosť a stabilitu výstupu vzduchu;
3. Systém nastavenia výstupu vzduchu presne riadi výstupný prietok a tlak kvapaliny pre rôzne časti úpravy;
4. Vzduchový spínač ľahko prenáša prívod vzduchu zo vzduchového kompresora alebo medicínskej kyslíkovej nádrže;
5. Vnútorný vzduchový kompresor môže ponúknuť výstupný tlak vzduchu 0-10 kg, aby vyhovoval potrebe liečby;
6. Ošetrenie Water & Oxygen Jet je prirodzené, zdravé a svieže, dodáva pleti kyslík a živiny a dodáva vám čistú a mladú pleť;

Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin; Applications 1. Acne clearance; 2. Skin whitening,skin texture improving; 3. Deeply skin cleaning,replenishing water and nutrition for skin; 4. Folliculitis; 5. Combined with other equipments to achieve a better treatment effect;     特征和优势:Features & Advantages 1. M206 is cost effective as a vertical Water & Oxygen Jet machine; 2. Unique inner air supply system guarantees the security and stability of air output; 3. Air output adjustment system accurately controls the output flow and pressure of liquid for different treatment parts; 4. Air switch easily transfers air supply from Air Compressor or Medical Oxygen Tank; 5. The inner Air Compressor can offer 0-10KG air output pressure to meet the need of treatment; 6. Being natural, healthy and fresh, Water & Oxygen Jet treatment replenishes the skin with oxygen and nutrients, and gives you a clean and young skin;

M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (3)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (3)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (2)
M206 Acne Removal Deep Cleaning Skin Rejuvenation Skin Whitening and Skin Moisturizer Machine (1)

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